College Preparation & Planning

Visit the SBISD Website:

Tour the college or university of your choice - without leaving home!

Virtual High School Tours @

Am I taking the right classes?

Do you know if you're on the right path to college or career? Find out with a few helpful tips.

What can I do to get prepared and ahead for college and career?

Whether you are in middle school or high school, there is so much you can do to get ahead and be prepared.

Don't Leave it Up to Chance

Don't miss the opportunity to learn everything you know about paying for college and applying for the FAFSA.

Does a degree equal higher pay?

Career exploration is vital when making decisions regarding your future. Now is the time to look at what you love to do, what you're passionate about, and how you can make a living. There's alot to think about!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Texas Tech to Host Annual Chef Camp

The Department of Nutrition, Hospitality, and Retailing at Texas Tech University is hosting the fourth annual Chef Camp for ages 13 to 18.

Chef Camp 2013 is dedicated to enhancing each camper’s knowledge and skills of culinary arts — ranging from lessons and activities on plating, preparation and presentation. Campers explore the world of culinary arts, but at the same time learn many aspects of their own personal style. Each camp day is beneficial and tons of fun.

On Thursday evening campers participate in an “Iron Chef” type competition. After a week full of culinary arts activities, the students will present their skills at a reception for their family and friends.

The cost is $650 per person before May 15th and $750 after May 15th. Fees include meals, room and board, all supplies, camp t-shirt, chef coat, and apron. The application and information can be found on our website,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pre-College Enrichment Summer Programs for Students

Since the summer of 1984, Praire View A & M University has sponsored the Intitute for Pre College Enrichment, a two week residential summer program for talented high school students. Their mission is to prepare students for the new school year and assist them in making early plans to pursue a college education. Print the following flyer to learn more about this opportunity. 

Download: Flyer and Application

Or, visit the Prarie View Website for more details.


Scholarship Opportunity - Deadline May 27 - Apply today!

DEADLINE: May 27, 2013

This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post secondary institution.
  • There is no age restriction
  • Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this year and next
  • This is not an academic scholarship but it does ask where the student is going to school and what their future academic plans are.
For additional information, visit:

Career Insider: Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technician

$5 Million in Financial Support for Texas Students - TG Charley Wootan Grant Program

When it comes to paying for college, every dollar counts.

For this reason, TG - the company that brings you AIEmail - is proud to announce the availability of the 2013-14 Charley Wootan Grant. As part of its commitment to help students pay for a postsecondary education, TG has provided $5 million to its Charley Wootan Grant Program for the 2013-2014 academic year.

TG's Board of Directors allocated $5 million to Texas students; one-half will be awarded to students enrolled at 4-year institutions, with the other half allocated to those attending 2-year institutions. The grants are available to students pursuing undergraduate degrees or enrolled in teacher certification programs. Don't wait!

Texas students may submit an application beginning this Wednesday, April 17, 2013.

Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so it's important to get your application in as early as possible.

To review requirements for the grant and to apply, go to TG's Charley Wootan Grant Program. Questions about the program can be directed to the TG Charley Wootan Grant Program manager by email at, or by phone at (800) 537-4180.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Helpful Links for Students

Bookmark it!

UH Bauer Business Institute Summer Campus Programs - Apply today!

Sponsored by Shell
Attention Students and Parents

The University of Houston's Bauer College of Business is currently accepting applications for summer campus programs.  Apply today and get a jump start on your future!

The UH Bauer Summer Business Institute June 25-27, 2013

Open to: Rising Juniors and Seniors

The Bauer Summer Business Institute (BSBI) is a three-day event designed for high school juniors and seniors to develop leadership skills, set goals for their future (both personally and in business), discover their future career in business, and experience the Houston business community through experiential learning and site tours!  Deadline to Apply: April 30

EXPLORE Entrepreneurship July 7-11, 2013

Open to: Rising Ninth and Tenth Graders Hosted by the Bauer College Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship (WCE), one of the top undergraduate entrepreneurship programs in the nation, you will get a CEO's perspective on starting a business from the ground up and hands-on experiences - from elevator pitches to implementation of your business ideas!  Deadline to apply: May 1

EXPLORE Sales & Marketing July 14-18, 2013

Open to: Rising Ninth and Tenth Graders Sales and Marketing at UH Bauer is real world. It's about getting to know people and learning how to use those connections to advance your brand by successfully showing value and standing out. What are you doing to distinguish yourself now? You will have the opportunity to work on teams, perfect your presentation skills, have fun and most of all, you will get to explore what makes you stand out.  Deadline to apply: May 1

EXPLORE Energy & Sustainability July 21-25, 2013

Open to: Rising Ninth and Tenth Graders Will we run out of oil and what will replace it? Natural gas, nuclear, solar, or wind? How do we run our cars, businesses, and home and still have a clean environment and avoid dramatic climate changes? These are just a few of the questions you will explore with the University of Houston Bauer College faculty and industry experts.  Deadline to apply: May 1

Website to Apply (includes FAQs):
Downloadable flyers are also available on the summer camp website.

Scholarship Opportunity for 2013 Seniors

Attention 2013 Graduating High School Seniors:

Minute Maid Grand Slam for Youth Baseball Scholarships are Now Available

Apply Today!

Download the Application Now >>

Or, go to and click on Craig Biggio's picture to download your application.


Deadline - The completed application package must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, May 8, 2013 if returned by mail.

The completed application package may be hand-delivered to the Union Station reception desk at Minute Maid Park no later than 12:00 p.m. Thursday, May 9, 2013.

  • May 10 through May 31 - Application Processing and Committee Review
  • June 4 - Semi-finalists Notified via Email
  • June 8, 10, 11 - Semi-finalist personal interview at Minute Maid Park with the scholarship selection committee
  • June 17 - Scholarship Recipients Notified via Email
  • June 29th - GSFYB Scholarship recipient recognition event prior to 3:05 game against Los Angeles Angels
Visit the Grand Slam for Youth Baseball website:
If you have any questions, please contact us at

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I graduated from high school! Now what!?

Many students are looking forward to high school graduation in June.  It's an exciting time in your life -  it's the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.  You've worked hard and achieved your dream of high school graduation!   As you prepare to take the next BIG step in your life's path...are you ready?

So, what's your plan?  Have you picked a major?  Are you ready to face the challenges that lie ahead?  No? 

It can seem overwhelming, but here are a few tips to help you as you transition into the next step in your personal journey to life success!  You don't have to be a superhero to be successful.  All you need is a little planning and insight into someone you know well -  yourself!

Find Your Passion and Follow Your Dreams

This is a time in your life where you can take the lead and make decisions that will shape your future.  Knowing who you are and what you want to achieve can help you when making choices about coursework, social activities and how to spend your time during your college experience.

Define Your Mission

Think about what you value and rank as important in your life.  What do you enjoy doing?  Do you have activities that connect with your values?  Maybe you like to volunteer, or participate in social activities.  Think about how those experiences or activities can help you get to where you want to go in a career or life's work.  Often by looking at what we enjoy doing, that can inform us on the type of work or career path we want to follow.

Be Realistic

For a dream to become a reality it requires planning and work.  Set goals both long- and short-term for yourself based on your top values.  You're more likely to get where you want to go if you set goals that are realistic and achievable.  Be logical in your planning and detail the steps of the when, where and how for your plan.  Pay attention and track your progress.  You'll feel good about your accomplishments and be more likely to stick to your plan.

Research isn't just for school!

Step 1: Think about your dream job.  Step 2: RESEARCH IT!  Find out what professionals in that field do to advance their careers.  Do a job shadowing activity.  Sign up for an internship.  Go to work with someone to find answers to the questions you have.  What kind of training does the career require?  What skills will you need?  What are the working conditions like?  Is the work schedule something you can live with?  What are the rewards?  Maybe money isn't everything...what other compensation or benefits do you value from this career choice?

Based on all the work you've done - defining your life mission and starting a plan to live it - you'll soon be able to look back and see how far you've come and how much you've accomplished on your college to career journey!

When picking a college...its not one size fits all!

Small vs. Big Colleges

From Cradle to Dorm - SAVING for College

From Cradle To Dorm: The Ultimate Saving For College Timeline

What degree should I get?

What Degree Should You Get?

Take a look at why that science class is relevant to your future!

Transforming Science Education